
Contains classes pertaining to teams.

class str, output_folder: str, currency_symbol: str, donors_to_display: str)

Bases: object

Hold Team API Data.

property currency_symbol

The currency symbol used in the output.


Get and calculate donation information.

property donors_to_display

The number of donors to write out to the output file.

property num_donations

The number of donations to the team.

property output_folder

The folder for the output text files.


Get and calculate team participant info.


Get team info from API.

property team_avatar_image

The team’s avatar image.

property team_captain

The name of the team captain.

property team_donation_url

URL to the JSON api for donations to the team.

property team_goal

The fundraising goal of the team.

property team_id

The team’s ID in the API.

property team_participant_url

URL to the JSON api for participants in the team.


A public method to update and output team and team participant info.

property team_url

URL to the team JSON API.

property team_url_base

The donor drive endpoint for the teams.

property total_raised

The total amount raised by the team.

write_text_files(dictionary: dict)None

Write info to text files.


dictionary – The dictionary containing the values to write out to text files.